Monday, November 12, 2012

Veteran's Day--A Tight Place Reading List

Instead of our usual Monday guest post, here is a Veteran's Day Reading List: Perusing the titles, one might be tempted to rename this blog: Boys In a Tight Place, for the narratives are mostly about young men.
This is not an exhaustive list, by any means--just a sampling of books I've read (like all of the Vietnam War novels), or books that have been on my list to read for awhile.   (All of these--plus scads more--were on my lists for the PhD exams.)

World War I

A Farewell to Arms

The Good Soldier

Mrs. Dalloway (examines, in part, the psychological damage of a shell-shocked vet)

Parade's End (loved this one)

Regeneration (haven't read)

World War II


The Moon is Down

The Naked and the Dead

Slaughter-house Five

Vietnam War  

(These are all brilliant)

Dog Soldiers

Going After Cacciato

Paco' Story

The Things They Carried

Iraq War

Yellow Birds--Penned by a vet, I just ordered this for the library.

I kept these wars all 20th/21st C, despite the buzz surrounding the new film about Lincoln.

My daughter wants me to add this music video of Civil War re-enactors:

And I'm adding this video of Vietnam vets and Jane Fonda in Coming Home:

1 comment:

  1. thanks, julie. this is great. lots of titles i need to read. like the heineman.
