Thursday, February 2, 2012

tiny pieces of little arts

&  today i wore on my legs:  grey jeans, brown boots with silver snaps all the way up the sides, charcoal knee socks.

looking forward: to a restful moment, a nightgown, reading and writing some poems

& here's an inspiration for today:

c. has talked to me for a long time--at least five years--about wanting to make films.  one night, some weeks ago, he said i wanna make a movie of your hand moving slowly.

it was late.  i was tired.  i think i had just attended a holiday party for work or some such function.

i said. uh-huh.  yeah.  that's cool.

but he didn't drop it.  he got out his ipod and started making a movie that very moment.

so i said bring me the bottom drawer of my jewelery box.

so he dumped out some cheap-ass costume jewelery onto the bed, and, shooting using one cheap-ass light from ikea, made this little film.

it's kinda pretty.  a little bit beautiful every once in a while, i think, with its prepared piano sound-track, performed and recorded by c.

admittedly, i have a huge thing for prepared piano--listen to c's small daily moments with the prepared piano on his piano blog.

and it's a good

& nice reminder that you can make something in a relaxed, even lazy moment, a miniature gesture.

& that's all.  the artist is present for a second. nothing more, nothing less.

for me that's good enough,

& way better than nothing.

here it is:


  1. That's perfectly not nothing.

    Favorite moments: at a minute-ish and at two and half. And the sounds from the clear string of beads.


  2. You have really nice hands, and did you just happen to have some great nails going, too?

    1. this is why i think it was just after my work holiday party--i have a fresh, rather than a chipped, manicure.
