Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Ground Running

Happy New Year! I'm probably too tired to post. It's now almost 1:10 am New York time, but I wanted to reach into the new year and welcome it. Anticipate it. At 10:30 the girls and I ran down to a corner diner where we thought Zoe's friend might be. Zoe's friend's mom just returned from shooting a film in India. She bought the girls hot chocolate. As soon as she got back from India--practically right after she landed--she hit the ground running and took her daughters to a movie. I didn't think I'd see her for awhile. But I saw her tonight. And I brought her and her daughters back for cake. We had to run back because she had to get back home before midnight. It was breathless. I cut into the cake quickly. Served up pieces. I was giddy and energetic. I want to hit the year running. I want to do something worthy of writing about here every day this year.



  1. i'll go to bed tonight pondering what "something worthy of writing about" means to me, and how each day can be more beautiful and deliberate.

  2. It's almost January 3, and already "beautiful and deliberate" is slipping away. The daily machinery of life can undermine all of this. Can't let it!
