Wednesday, March 14, 2012

10 epiphanies whilst breathing in mint laughing gas & listening to regina spektor

1)  compressed sound files really do suck.  i'm lucky to have a wall of vinyl, a turntable, good speakers, and someone to manage it all--put on records, adjust levels, corral cords and cables, etc.
2)  life is the bomb!  how do i forget that when i'm not breathing laughing gas?  damn.  i promise i'll never, ever forget how beautiful life is again.
3) i will never again act timid about my art, work, kids, sartorial choices, or be afraid to boss it up.  nicki says what i'm thinking.  i will not accept the pickle juice.
4) i wrote the beginning of a new stage play while getting my gums tortured.  it was so incredibly rad.  probably the raddest thing i've ever written.  unfortunately i couldn't take notes, and it's gone now.
5) my dentist is hot.
6) regina spektor is silly!
7) each moment is rad.
8) i don't really care about anything.
9) my teeth are gorgeous.
10) i'm going to the dentist way more often.

legwear:  grey windowpane tights

inspiration: nicki, forever and always

looking forward: hawaiian haystacks with eva and anna, colbert and stewart with c.


  1. What an exhilarating post! You seriously can't remember your play?

    1. i remember it was about overhearing things, that's all.
